Re: Naming triples

I'm sorry for the editing error! In the first example, I of course meant
that this:

    << _:Person__1 ex:hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111 >> pr:source _:DHS .

Would be shorthand for *this*:

    _:b rdf:reifies <<( _:Person__1 ex:hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111 )>> .
    _:b pr:source _:DHS .

All the best,

On Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 12:07 PM Niklas Lindström <>

> Hi Eric,
> Thanks for your input and example!
> (The following is my take on where the WG is at in relation to your
> example. But as it also reflects my own opinion within the WG, others may
> disagree.)
> What you are doing is a perfectly valid approach. But it has the generally
> major drawback that you now cannot put those quads in a named graph. Thus,
> you have to decide on either using the fourth position to name triples (or
> sets of them), or to partition a dataset into administrative units.
> *If* we could relate graphs, say by stating that one is "owned" by
> another, then it *might* be doable. But we spent the latter part of 2023
> exploring ways to do that, and it was deemed impractical, due to 1) lack of
> named graph semantics (it is *outside* of the formal interpretation), and
> 2) adding semantics and options here without stepping on existing uses of
> named graphs, particularly for security and access control, would be
> complex if even possible, and 3) could even if so take years to see
> possible uptake of in quad stores. It would also 4) be far beyond the
> charter of this working group. That does not mean that we don't have a
> responsibility to avoid adding more confusion to the mix though -- whatever
> is added should be explainable *in relation to* practices for named graphs.
> We have also basically agreed that the use cases we must cater for all are
> about *some kind* of occurrences
> (reifications/qualifications/tokenizations) of triples. (That is essential
> for mapping to LPGs, for instance, who are decidedly "instances of an edge
> type", or "multisets", in some descriptions thereof.) So we won't (if all
> goes well, IMHO) allow triple terms themselves as subjects, since triples
> themselves are the atomic, logical axioms we model a particular domain of
> discourse with, and do not denote any particular underlying circumstance.
> Such circumstances (which can be anything, including but not limited to the
> statement tokens of classical reification) are always "reifying" them; so
> we call those "reifiers".
> Therefore we at the beginning of 2024 tentatively agree that e.g. this:
>     << _:Person__1 ex:hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111 >> pr:source _:DHS .
> Would be shorthand for this (a blank node unless named):
>     _:b rdf:reifies <<( _:Person__1 ex:hasAddress _:a )>> .
>     _:b pr:source _:DHS .
> Where the triple term itself is only allowed in the object position, and
> is in some ways a "literal-like" three-tuple. (The choice of <<( ... )>> is
> to distinguish these from the sugar, which has been kept to do minimal
> modification at this stage, and stay compatible with the RDF-star CG
> syntax.)
> There is also the additional annotation sugar:
>     _:Person__1 ex:hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111 {| pr:source _:DHS |} .
> Which means the above plus the assertion itself (the triple being in the
> graph), i.e.:
>     _:Person__1 ex:hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111 .
>     _:b rdf:reifies <<( _:Person__1 ex:hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111 )>> .
>     _:b pr:source _:DHS .
> But this agreement did not hold. We are now debating whether or not the
> fact that it caters for more variations is a good thing, such as this:
>     _:b rdf:reifies <<( _:Person__1 ex:hasAddress _:a )>> .
>     _:b rdf:reifies <<( _:a :streetAddress "SomeStreet 1" )>> .
>     _:b rdf:reifies <<( _:a :city <SomeCity> )>> .
>     _:b pr:clearance  _:UNCLASSIFIED ;
>         pr:source  _:DHS ;
>         pr:likelihood 0.8 ;
>         pr:dataSet _:someDataSet ;
>         pr:sourceRecord _:PERSON ;
>         pr:sourceRecordID 329 .
> Or if that is a problem. It has been deemed, by some, a problem since LPGs
> cannot handle that, and possibly since classical reification was decidedly
> one reifier per statement. But the important question is whether or not it
> *makes sense*. In general reification (e.g. in UML and some forms of N-ary
> relations) and philosophy (see "truth-makers" [1] [2]) it appears to do so.
> A third objection is that this blurs the line between reification and named
> graphs.
> But IMHO your example is actually a good example of why perhaps we
> *should* "blur" that line. Since named graphs, as per above, cannot be used
> simultaneously for recording detailed sub-graph provenance *and* be outside
> of interpretation, as they are today, we have the opportunity to address
> this shortcoming with this. (Named graphs are then, effectively, mostly for
> working with dataset management (such as in quad stores and the LDP); with
> the upshot that such a mechanical, "opaque" treatment is critical for
> access control (secured private graphs, etc.)).
> Another, related, contentious issue is whether triple terms should
> themselves be "opaque" or not (or if the same triple could be either opaque
> and transparent, such as *in a way* is the case with graphs -- since
> they're *outside* of semantics, you can decide whether to interpret them or
> just treat them as sets of triples). It is still unclear if this opacity is
> *needed* (to avoid entailment) or a nice-to-have (if so, you could instead,
> for instance, record in a reifier representing a statement token exactly
> what syntactic form was used, but using your own terms, not any particular
> syntactic sugar or datatype semantics thereof).
> Again, thanks for your input! If you have further practical use cases for
> triple provenance, please share what you can. And if through these you have
> any opinion also on the "reifier for multiple triples" and "opacity"
> questions, please let us know.
> (Aside: Please note that there is an issue with using pipes for naming the
> reifier [3], at least for the annotation form; so don't rely on it yet
> other than for discussion.)
> Best regards,
> Niklas
> [1]: <
> >
> [2]: <>
> [3]: <>
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 8:46 AM Peterson, Eric L. [US-US] <
>> wrote:
>> I live happily without RDF named graphs by constructing provenance
>> networks which are much richer than RDF graphs.  And they are optimizable.
>> I claim we should put the optimization  burden on the SPARQL query tool
>> before we complicate RDF - like named graphs did and like the RDF-star
>> proposal threatens to do.
>> Please consider quads, my friends.
>> Just add a new SPARQL term called *EDGE*.  It would be completely
>> synonymous with *GRAPH. *
>> The fourth member of the quad is a terrible thing to waste.
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Peterson, Eric L. [US-US] <>
>> *Sent:* Monday, June 17, 2024 3:26 PM
>> *To:* <>
>> *Subject:* Re: Naming triples
>> I have been naming my triples for many years.
>> I just use the fourth member of the quad for the triple name (URI):
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Peterson, Eric L. [US-US] <>
>> *Sent:* Monday, June 17, 2024 3:04 PM
>> *To:* <>
>> *Subject:* Naming triples
>> Hi folks;
>> Thanks for working on getting us something better than triple reification
>> for edge metadata!
>> Would I be justified in being very disappointed in a spec that didn't
>> allow me to name triple terms?
>> For simplicity below, I didn't model this example the way I would at
>> work.  But look at all the notational duplication.  Can we have a spec that
>> allows that naming of triple terms and the subsequent referencing of the
>> name in place of a triple term?
>> I'm very new to RDF-star/SPARQL-star.  Please forgive me if I've missed
>> some way around this issue.
>> <<_:Person__1 ex :hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111>> pr:clearance
>> <<_:Person__1 ex :hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111>> pr:source  _:DHS .
>> <<_:Person__1 ex :hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111>> pr:likelihood 0.8
>> <<_:Person__1 ex :hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111>> pr:dataSet _:someDataSet
>> .
>> <<_:Person__1 ex :hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111>> pr:sourceRecord _:PERSON
>> .
>> <<_:Person__1 ex :hasPhoneNumber _:11111111111>> pr:sourceRecordID 329 .
>> Thanks!
>> -Eric

Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2024 10:16:12 UTC