Re: Semantics TF discussion

Are there any changes to "simple entailment"?
(I don't see any but I'd like confirmation or not)

What happens with:

    :s rdf:reifies 123 .


    reif1 sss rdf:reifies ooo. ooo rdf:type rdf:Proposition .


    123 rdf:type rdf:Proposition

Does there need to be a way of putting it outside RDF Semantics? (if 
it's there, I'm not seeing it.)

[I+A](t) = TRUE   implies
           <[I+A](t.o), [I+A](rdf:Proposition)> ∈ IEXT([I+A](rdf:type))
           if t.p is rdf:reifies

?? add  "and t.o is a triple term"
to align with the RDF Concepts "SHOULD NOT"


     sss rdf:reifies ooo .
     ooo rdf:type rdf:type rdf:TripleTerm .


On 09/12/2024 17:23, Franconi Enrico wrote:
> We had an interesting Semantics TF meeting last Friday, and we concluded 
> a couple of things:
>  1. It would be interesting to consider, instead of the currently
>     approved alternative baseline, a simpler more “liberal” approach: a
>     new property rdf:reifies is introduced, which is used to express
>     reification - namely the relationship between a reifier (sometimes
>     called “token") and an abstract triple term. In order to express
>     reification, *only* the rdf:reifies (or any sub property of it)
>     could be used. Other usages of triple terms (namely without being
>     object of a rdf:reifies property or of any of its subproperty) is
>     not forbidden (hence the name: “liberal” approach), but they would
>     not be having the meaning of a reification.
>  2. We discussed the possible type of the object of rdf:reifies: it
>     could be rdf:Proposition.
> This is captured - with many details still to be discussed - in 
> < 
> <>>.
> —e.

Received on Monday, 9 December 2024 18:29:48 UTC