[rdf12-schema] rdf:Statement vs rdf:reifies


About reification vocabularies, I'm a bit confused about the 2 reification vocabularies:

  *   (RDF-Schema 1.1 or RDF-Schema 1.2) and rdf:Statement<https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_reificationvocab>.
  *   RDF 1.2 Concept and rdf:reifies<https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-concepts/#section-triple-terms-reification>.
Do I understand correctly that both rdf:Statement and rdf:reifies are equivalent and can be used with asserted and unasserted triples ?

And if a reification is done on an unasserted triple, what is the difference with RDF*, which is not syntactic sugar<https://www.w3.org/2021/12/rdf-star.html#common-misconceptions> for reification, on a quoted triple ?
Both quoted triple<https://www.w3.org/2021/12/rdf-star.html#quoted-triples> and an unasserted<https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-concepts/#dfn-asserted-triple> triple seem to be defined as a triple not being an element of the RDF Graph.

Best regards,

Received on Monday, 9 December 2024 05:48:36 UTC