Re: entailing that a quoted triple is false

On 8/30/24 08:43, Thomas Lörtsch wrote:
> Am 30. August 2024 14:11:31 MESZ schrieb "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <>:
>> Is anyone in the working group actually wanting the graph
>> :a rdf:reifies < :b :c :d > .
>> to entail that :b :c :d is false?
> not "false", but also not true in the graph. you should know the difference

There are only four possibilities - entails false, entails true, entails 
neither, and entailing both.   Entailing not true is either nonsensical or 
entailing false.

>> (I don't remember anyone wanting that.  I don't even remember any input to the working group advocating that.)
>> If not, then arguments that include statements to that effect are not persuasive.
>> peter
>> On 8/30/24 06:04, Thomas Lörtsch wrote:
>> [...]
>>> However, I also think that all those nuances still fall into two main categories, namely if the annotated triple term is meant to be true in the graph or not:
>>> - most of them are meant to be true (see use cases, see real world data)
>>> - those that aren't can’t be introduced first and then taken back (that would jeopardize monotonicity)
>> [...]


Received on Saturday, 31 August 2024 17:08:48 UTC