Re: [External] : example showing why rdf:state is essential

Am 19. August 2024 12:51:56 MESZ schrieb Souripriya Das <>:

>Finally, given the pushback I am seeing for the two-property approach, I think it is okay to go with the single-property approach (because I do expect that most RDF graphs in practice will contain only one kind of id-s-p-o tuples). 

I disagree: one property alone can't solve the problem. The semantics of a triple that is considered true in a graph and one that isn't are just too different. And if you say that you expect only one kind (which I find very insufficient, just check the use cases) then how do you express which one it is? No, that's doesn't work. 

. t

Received on Monday, 19 August 2024 21:34:28 UTC