Re: example showing why rdf:state is essential

Hi Souripriya,

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious. It seems to me that the end result be the same in both cases; "Bob workedFor B" gets asserted (albeit separately, or as a side-effect of rdf:states) which interferes with the last rdf:reifies (?) The main difference being, as Gregg pointed out, that rdf:reifies + asserting takes more instructions than the more "complex" rdf:states (just to follow Gregg's analogy).



> On Aug 15, 2024, at 11:59 AM, Souripriya Das <> wrote:
> I am trying to show that if rdf:states is not supported, once the "asserted" s-p-o triple is present, ALL existing and future "reified" s-p-o triples will now be considered as "asserted" (or occurrence of asserted triple). This limitation goes away if rdf:states is supported (along with rdf:reifies). 
> Consider the following "WorkHistory" data, shown in relational form. 
> StintID | EmpName | Company | StartYear | EndYear
> ============
> 1 | Bob', | 'A' | 1980 | 1990
> 2 | 'Bob' | 'B' | 1990 | 2000
> 3 | 'Bob' | 'A' | 2000 | 2010
> RDF1.2: when rdf:states is NOT supported
> ======
> # mapping from relational data (annotations not shown): NOT one-to-one
> :stint1 rdf:reifies <<( :Bob :workedFor :A )>> . # R1
> :stint2 rdf:reifies <<( :Bob :workedFor :B )>> . # R2
> :stint3 rdf:reifies <<( :Bob :workedFor :A )>> . # R3
> :Bob :workedFor :A . # A4
> :Bob :workedFor :B . # A5
> Addition of uncertain data:
> ========
> # Adding the following triple to indicate that Bob might have worked for Company B, according to Alice
> # This will be counted as "asserted" because of presence of triple A5 above (just like triples R1, R2, and R3)
> :stint4 rdf:reifies <<( :Bob :workedFor :B )>> . # R4
> RDF1.2: if rdf:states is supported, we can do it
> ======
> # mapping from relational data: one-to-one
> :stint1 rdf:states <<( :Bob :workedFor :A )>> . # S1
> :stint2 rdf:states <<( :Bob :workedFor :B )>> . # S2
> :stint3 rdf:states <<( :Bob :workedFor :A )>> . # S3
> # R4 is counted as "reified" – there is no interference from any of the pre-existing triples
> :stint4 rdf:reifies <<( :Bob :workedFor :B )>> . # R4
> Thanks,
> Souri.

Received on Friday, 16 August 2024 11:24:25 UTC