Re: [ANN] Ontogen: A Version Control System for RDF Leveraging RDF-star

Dear Marcel,

Thank you for your interest and work!

Given your earlier feedback, I hope you find it valuable that the
current RDF-star design now directly supports multiple triples being
reified by one reifier. (I believe you've expressed support for that
before [1].)

Thus you can directly use this construct:

        :firstName "John" ~ :compound1 ;
        :familyName "Smith" ~ :compound1 ;
        :jobTitle "Assistant Designer" ~ :compound1 .

    :compound1 a rtc:Compound ;
        :statedBy :bob ;
        :statedAt "2022-02-16" .

Which means exactly the same as:

        :firstName "John" ;
        :familyName "Smith" ;
        :jobTitle "Assistant Designer" .

    :compound1 a rtc:Compound ;
        :statedBy :bob ;
        :statedAt "2022-02-16" ;
        rdf:reifies <<( :employee38 :firstName "John" )>> ,
            <<( :employee38 :familyName "Smith" )>> ,
            <<( :employee38 :jobTitle "Assistant Designer" )>> .

(The latter `<<( ... )>>` form is explicit use of "bare" triple terms,
which I believe is expected to be mostly used in N-triples, and rarely
if ever in "user-facing" syntax.)

Best regards,

[1]: <>

On Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 12:56 PM Marcel Otto
<> wrote:
> Dear RDF-star Community,
> I am pleased to introduce Ontogen - a new version control system specifically designed for RDF that heavily utilizes RDF-star. This is the system I've mentioned at the "RDF-star and RDF 1.2" session of the W3C Breakout Day earlier this year and in RDF-UCR issue #13 (
> After a year of intensive development, made possible through the generous support of the NLnet Foundation, Ontogen is now available in an early version.
> Ontogen showcases the power and flexibility of RDF-star, demonstrating its practical application in versioning RDF data:
> 1. Core utilization of RDF-star: Ontogen uses RDF-star as the foundation for its versioning model, allowing for fine-grained control over individual statements without relying on Named Graphs. It does this based on the RTC vocabulary ( to create virtual, URI-identifiable sets of statements.
> 2. Speech Act-based commit model: Ontogen implements a novel commit model based on speech acts. This model enables detailed tracking of data provenance and evolution.
> 3. Integration with PROV and DCAT: Ontogen integrates the PROV vocabulary for comprehensive provenance information and implements repositories as DCAT catalogs.
> While Ontogen is still in an early stage of development and some important extensions are pending (such as full RDF dataset support and branching), I believe it already serves as a valuable example of RDF-star's potential.
> For more information, documentation, and access to the source code, please visit:
> Best regards,
> Marcel Otto

Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2024 22:45:04 UTC