Re: Making querying of annotations optional

On 8/8/24 12:02, Thomas Lörtsch wrote:
> tl;dr
> =====
> Querying annotated triples seems to always require its own BGP expression, no matter if the triple so annotated exists in the graph or not. It seems like the annotation can never be just an option, added to a query for simple triples.
> Asked concretely: is there a way to make the ?src information optional in the query using annotation syntax? E.g. something like
>   SELECT ?x ?age ?src
>   WHERE { ?x foaf:age ?age  OPTIONAL {| :src ?src |} . }

But this has two BGPs so an extra BGP is included here.  So what is your point?


Received on Thursday, 8 August 2024 16:38:53 UTC