Re: An update on [Proposal: described vs stated triple terms]

On 08/08/2024 12:59, Thomas Lörtsch wrote:
> Am 8. August 2024 13:37:26 MESZ schrieb "Thomas Lörtsch" <>:
>>> On 6. Aug 2024, at 16:16, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
>>> On 05/08/2024 16:37, Thomas Lörtsch wrote:

>>>> some help from SPARQL.
>>> If it is RDFS-star entailment regime, there is nothing extra to do in SPARQL.
>> Yes, if … but in general we can’t rely on RDFS entailment to be available to us.

Then we agree then that it needs to work for simple entailment?

>>>  From a data access point of view, multiple properties are a burden in query writing, it would be better to qualify the reifier:
>>> Data:
>>>    :r rdf:reifies <<( :s :p :o )>> .
>>>    :r rdf:type rdf:Stated .
>>> then
>>>   SELECT ?r {
>>>     ?r rdf:reifies ?T .
>>>   }
>>> finds all reifiers
>>>   SELECT ?r {
>>>     ?r rdf:type rdf:Stated .
>>>   }
>>> finds stated ones
>>> and
>>>   SELECT ?r {
>>>     ?r rdf:type rdf:Description .
>>>   }
>>> finds describing reifiers.
>>> This is open - there can be other characteristics related to reifiers e.g source.
>> We discussed this already: it solves the problem to some degree, but it adds considerably to the triple count. Would you want the canonical mapping from

>>    :s :p :o {| :a :b |} .
>> to n-triples to be
>>    :s :p :o .
>>    _:r rdf:reifies <<( :s :p :o )>> .
>>    _:r rdf:type rdf:Stated .
>       _:r :a :b.
>> ?

No rdf:type.

I don't believe that are only two cases of "stated" and "document". I 
don't believe we can or should enumerate the possibilities - that is the 
responsibility of data modelling.

Most data is "light weight modelling". The most common usage will be 
reification with no opinion as to stated/document.

The RDF way is to add information as needed. No information means "not 

rdf:type might be inferred by the domain of a property in the annotation 

We might even have "rdf:type rdfx:Edge" with special meaning for the LPG 
use case.

>> You were concerend about additional query complexity if a second property like rdf:states as a subproperty of rdf:reifies is introduced. How would the necessity to query for an extra typing triple compare to that?

subproperty is a feature of RDFS.

      ?r rdf:reifies ?T .

and if the query is looking for only stated:

      ?r rdf:reifies ?reif .
      ?reif rdf:type rdf:Stated .

which can be

    ?r rdf:reifies [ rdf:type rdf:Stated ] .

    ?r rdf:reifies/rdf:type rdf:Stated .


>> Thomas
>>>     Andy
>> [0]
>> [1]

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2024 13:14:18 UTC