Re: [External] : Re: one RDF1.2 "stated" 4-tuple per LPG edge

Sorry, I was using a custom notation just to communicate the idea.

So, by (s) -[id:p]-> (o), I meant an edge with
- s and o as the source and destination, respectively
- id as its (unique) edge-id and
- p as its edge-type (or label).
From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 12:22 PM
To: Souripriya Das <>; RDF-star WG <>
Subject: [External] : Re: one RDF1.2 "stated" 4-tuple per LPG edge

Hi Souri,

Souripriya Das <>:

LPG edge:
        (s) -[id:p]-> (o)

A little explanation. What does the notation `id:p` mean in PG? Did you mean (s)-[p:p { "id": p }]->(o) (i.e. in the schema (s)-[p :p { "id" STRING }]->(o)) in GQL and related languages, e.g. Cypher? Or maybe your notation means something else?


Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2024 17:24:15 UTC