Re: Meeting this week + TPAC F2F agenda

On 05/09/2023 15:36, Lassila, Ora wrote:
> We are canceling this week’s WG meeting.
> Tentative agenda for the next week’s TPAC F2F meeting:
>  1. I18N (we are meeting with them at 9 am)
>  2. Use cases (including a discussion on existing implementations of
>     RDF-Star and their influence on any use cases)
>  3. Semantics
>  4. SPARQL EXISTS issue (Andy, I assume this was the one you wanted)

For the SPARQL slot, I'd like to assess where we are, and cover one, or 
a few issues, that would most benefit from synchronous time.

EXISTS is an obvious issue to cover. We can start with reviewing the 
problems, then considering solutions, then have a plan of how to proceed.

I can prepare some summary material to introduce everyone to the issues:

>  5. Any issues tagged with “discuss-f2f”
> Note #5, please tag issues you would like discussed. Pierre-Antoine 
> created a specific dashboard for things thus tagged: 
> <>
> Unfortunately I will (contrary to my earlier plans) be participating 
> remotely. :-(
> Ora
> -- 
> Dr. Ora Lassila
> Principal Technologist, Amazon Neptune

Received on Wednesday, 6 September 2023 11:18:57 UTC