Re: Overview of options

An extra column could be the effect on the RDF Data Model.

What new RDF terms are there?


Based on the strawpoll last week, can we settle on "graph term" and 

Are there any other conceptual items?

"occurrence" has been used in CG and WG discussions.

A graph term is a graph used as a RDF term in the RDF data model. It's 
quoted triple (triple term) but for graphs. (It has value-equality 
(structural equality)).

Using this terminology is not implying any particular choice of semantics.

There is work-in-progress going on

so bringing that PR conversation together with the "options" would be a 
way forward.


My understanding at the moment is that the "blank graph" variants are 
compatible with the graph component of a named graph pair [*] being a 
graph term.

"Blank graph" variants:
_:a { :s :p :o }

{ :s :p :o } is a graph term, _:a is a resource for the occurrence.

"Graph terms"
_:a rdf:occurrenceOf{ :s :p :o }

{ :s :p :o } is a graph term, _:a is a resource for the occurrence.


[*] A named graph is a pair (resource reference, graph)

On 20/10/2023 17:17, Niklas Lindström wrote:
> Dear all,
> I picked up the suggestion in the telecon and have drafted an overview
> of the options (and proposals) that (AFAIK) are on the table ("RDF
> options for triples about triples"). Right now it's in a Google
> Spreadsheet at:
> I can move this to our wiki [1] if that's preferable. (I think so, but
> it demands a bit more to edit it as a markdown table. Otherwise I can
> grant everyone edit rights one by one, unless we already have a shared
> Google Docs folder I've missed?)
> I'm trying to single out features from these, to simplify assessments.
> I've made some footnotes and questions in the sheet for starters.
> If anyone wants to have a call hashing out these details, I'm all for
> it. (Perhaps we could use next week's cancelled Semantics TF timeslot
> for that? It depends on where we are after the regular call of
> course.)
> All the best,
> Niklas
> [1]:

Received on Saturday, 21 October 2023 17:20:34 UTC