Re: A proposal for basing quotation and annotation upon blank graphs

On 12/10/2023 15:15, Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
> Thanks Andy. Out of curioty, what would you do of the following N-Quads 
> (again, using qnames for convenience only):
>      :s :p :o %{g1}
> Seems to me that this one has no asserted triple, only a "floating" 
> graph term...


The N-Quads details were to show that it's possible. Like RDF 
Collections, the syntax in Turtle/TriG is more natural. It's quite easy 
to create nonsense RDF lists in N-Quads.

The N-quads syntax form is repurposed for a declaration when the 4th 
slot is %{}.

    :s :p :o %{g1}

says ":s :p :o" is a triple of a graph term we are referring to as %{g1} 
in the scope of this document.

It is least change to N-Quads. N-Quads is a simple syntax for dump and 
restore. It is useful in our discussions because it is so simple.

However, if that is considered a problem, then to make it not look like 
a quad:

    - :s :p :o %{g1}

the leading bare "-" means "graph term definition"

The idea is that graph terms can, as syntax, be thought of as 
"appendices" to the graph c.f. discussion in

> What about this one:
>      :s :p :o %{g1}.
>      :s :p :o %{g2}.
>      :a :b %{g1}.
>      :c :d %{g2}.
> Seems to be that this one would be equivalent (in the /abstract syntax/) to
>      :s :p :o %{g1}.
>      :a :b %{g1}.
>      :c :d %{g1}.
> Do you agree? 

Yes, in the abstract data model.

If the N-quads file has another line then no.

       :s :p :o %{g1}.
       :s :p :o %{g2}.
       :s :p :Z %{g1}.

Graph terms have structural equality (they are literal-like).

       :a :b {:s :p :o}
       :c :d {:s :p :o}

The problem is not the syntax per-se. It's the equality.

   ASK { :a :b ?G . :c :d ?G . } -> true.

Our different proposals make that easier or harder to say in their 
syntax but any design that allows or entails
"resource occurrenceOf graphTerm", then it's there.

> Could that be a problem (non trivial to detect)?

It's certainly non-trivial. Graph terms are conceptually just another 
term, but practically the fact some can be large makes them different.

c.f. Large literals rdf:XMLLiteral, rdf:JSON, rdf:HTML.

In triple terms (quoted triples) it is the there as well, in a mild 
form, where it's comparing trees.


> On 12/10/2023 14:00, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> I see using blank nodes as one possible implementation approach. The 
>> core idea is graph terms (types) and occurrences (tokens, uses of).
>> I think we should focus on the whole model with draph terms in the RDF 
>> abstract data model; then see how we get there. Just looking at an 
>> incremental steps may leave RDF with the blocking legacy for "RDF 1.3".
>> We can put quoted triples to one side for now and come back to them 
>> when the big picture is more settled.
>> Proposal: Syntactic support for graph terms.
>> We need syntactic support for graph terms. Graph terms will be larger 
>> than our one line examples to date - 10s of triples and up. Visually 
>> seeing that two graphs are the same graph will be error prone.
>>   _:a1 rdf:occurenceOf  { :s :p :o }
>>   _:a1 rdf:type ....
>>   _:a2 rdf:occurenceOf  { :s :p :o }
>>   _:a2 rdf:type ....
>> And we need N-quads support.
>> Suggestion: Have syntax to define a syntax element:
>>   USING %{label} FOR { :s :p :o1, :o2 }
>>   _:a1 rdf:occurenceOf %{label}
>>   _:a1 rdf:type ....
>>   _:a2 rdf:occurenceOf %{label}
>>   _:a2 rdf:type ....
>> with
>>   _:a3 rdf:occurenceOf  { :s :p :o }
>> is a shorthand for an implicitly generated %{....}. c.f. blank nodes.
>> "label" is scoped to the document.
>> There are many ways to have define-use syntax.  The form above keeps 
>> these aspects separate and the general style will naturally follow for 
>> other syntaxes we need to update.
>> Unlike current TriG, a label is defined to stand for the graph, not a 
>> part of a graph.
>> Now we can use URIs for tokens and that makes the occurrence and the 
>> type accessible over the web.
>> It is syntax. It is not in the RDF abstract data model. Graph terms 
>> are in the RDF abstract data model.
>> This might be N-Quads (prefixed names for email only!). No USING needed.
>>   # 4th slot. Grouping.
>>   :s :p :o1 %{g} .
>>   :s :p :o2 %{g} .
>>   # Use in object slot
>>   _:a1 rdf:occurrenceOf %{g} .
>>   # Use in subject slot
>>   %{g} :property "abc" .
>> %{} is not a graph name.
>>    :s :p :o1 %{g} .
>> co-ops the use of the 4th slot but does not imply it is a graph name.
>> Nothing appears in GRAPH ?g {} .
>> The form "%{ }" has many choices - {} is to suggest "graphs".
>> JSON-LD use of blank node named graph is not affected.
>> Blank nodes could be used for a RDF 1.1 like implementation.
>> rdf:occurrenceOf was used above because as Pierre-Antoine noted 
>> (SemTF) there are different kinds of "occurrence". Syntax that omits 
>> the name for the relationship is hiding this and it is something we 
>> have to explore.
>> It may even become a keyword if there is one property but we aren't 
>> there yet.
>>     Andy

Received on Saturday, 14 October 2023 09:43:33 UTC