Re: FPWD published

On 17/05/2023 21:48, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>> On May 17, 2023, at 1:21 PM, Timothée Haudebourg 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi, I just noticed the URL (without 
>> the "12" version tag) also serves the FPWD. I wasn't expecting that, I 
>> thought this URL would only show the final version and not the drafts 
>> (or maybe just a link to the drafts?). Maybe that's how it is supposed 
>> to work I don't know I'm not that familiar with the release process. 
>> What I'm worried about though is it seems impossible to access the 
>> RDF1.1 version anymore. There is no link to it. The "History" link 
>> only shows the FPWD.
> That is how versioned numbers work, rdf-schema will point to the latest 
> version, in this case the 1.2 FPWD. Note that it has a “Latest 
> Recommendation” link that should point to rdf11-schema, which should get 
> you to the 1.1 version of the document (This works for RDF Concepts), 
> but I think those 1.1 versions were never properly named.
> The pubs team should make sure that rdf11-schema points to 
> <>, which PA should 
> be able to help facilitate. Also, the 1.2 version “prevRecShortname” 
> should be changed to “rdf11-schema”, when that points to the right 
> place. There should also be rdf10-schema links.

A fix:

sets the prevRecURI and then the "Latest Recommendation" is set to 
something that works.

SPARQL docs use prevRecURI.

(They could be updated to use prevRecShortname now. Does this matter?)

> This looks like a pervasive issue now, as the previous recommendation 
> links were, e.g., to “rdf-schema” and similar in other recommendations.

I think only "rdf-schema" is affected. There is no rdf11-schema, the 
others have rdf11 names or a different short name.

== rdf-concepts
       prevRecShortname:     "rdf11-concepts",
== rdf-primer
       prevRecShortname:     "rdf11-primer",
== rdf-schema
       prevRecShortname:     "rdf-schema",
== rdf-semantics
       prevRecShortname:     "rdf11-mt",
== rdf-trig
       prevRecShortname:     "trig",
== rdf-turtle
       prevRecShortname:     "turtle",
== rdf-n-quads
       prevRecShortname:     "n-quads",
== rdf-n-triples
       prevRecShortname:     "n-triples",
== rdf-xml
       prevRecShortname:     "rdf-syntax-grammar",

> To be clear, rdf10-xxx should get you to the 1.0 version of xxx, similar 
> for sparql10-xxx. THe rdf11-xxx (and sparql11-xxx) links should get you 
> to those versions, and we’ll need to update the “prevRecShortname” in 
> our documents accordingly.

FWIW SPARQL 1.0 are "rdf-sparql...."



> Gregg
>> -- 
>> Timothée

Received on Friday, 19 May 2023 15:16:43 UTC