Model-theoretic semantics of reification

On 5 Jan 2023, at 15:07, Franconi Enrico <> wrote:

There should be a total injective function from embedded triples to resources.

Sorry, I need to be more specific.

This is a first attempt at the model-theoretic semantics of reification.

Given a RDF triple s p o. and a RDF simple interpretation I, the ι function (iota) maps the interpretation of the triple to a resource, namely ι(<[I+A](s),[I+A](p),[I+A](o)>) ∈ IR.
The ι function should be the same for any RDF graph in the world, so that, for example, equal ground triples would be reified in the same way in every RDF graph. Or, maybe, there could be several universal ι functions predefined in the standard, to capture the different intended meanings of reification: e.g., the event < :messi :scores :last-WC22-goal > as opposed to < :messi :scores :last-WC22-goal > meant as a triple annotated by somebody.


Received on Thursday, 5 January 2023 15:41:13 UTC