Re: type/token and corresponding annotations

good morning

> On 19. Dec 2023, at 09:26, Olaf Hartig <> wrote:
>> ...
> No, that's not correct in terms of Andy's recent proposal. According to
> this proposal, the expression
> <<( :s :p :o )>>
> represents a triple term (triple type), whereas the expression
> << :s :p :o >>
> represents an occurrence with an unspecified name (which may be
> captured using a fresh blank node). Hence, the correct way to write
> your example by using this new interpretation of these expressions
> would be as follows.
> The expression
> << :s :p :o >> :accordingTo :john .
> expands to
> [] :occurrenceOf <<( :s :p :o )>> ;
>    :accordingTo :john .

are we at the point where one could express a type/token relation as

    << :s :p :o >> a <<( :s :p :o )>> .

james anderson | |

Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2023 08:40:26 UTC