Re: type/token and corresponding annotations

Hi Souri,

my 2 cents are that you got it right. Your second example in Andy's modified shorthand would be:

:Cleveland :servedAs :POTUS {| :ClevelandTerm1 | :startYear 1885 ; :endYear 1889 |}
:Cleveland :servedAs :POTUS {| :ClevelandTerm2 | :startYear 1893 ; :endYear 1897 |}

(The other facts can’t be expressed in the shorthand syntax as they comprise triple terms that are not actually asserted)

Andy this evenening posted a modified proposal in which the type would be encoded as <<( :s :p :o )>>. That would concern the first example from your earlier mail:

<<( :s :p :o )>> :accordingTo :john . # type, annotations

Without those extra parentheses it would be expanded to 

[] :occurrenceOf << :s :p :o >> ;
   :accordingTo :john .

(any encoding missing an explicit reference to the type or an expressly named occurrence would be interpreted as an anonymously named occurrence).


> On 18. Dec 2023, at 23:58, Souripriya Das <> wrote:
> Another example. I just want to understand if the following, involving annotations for both triples and occurrences, is a valid graph in RDF-star:
> << :Cleveland :servedAs :POTUS >> :inCentury "19th" .
> << :TheodoreRoosevelt :servedAs :POTUS >> :laterThan << :Cleveland :servedAs :POTUS >> .
> :ClevelandTerm1 :occurrenceOf << :Cleveland :servedAs :POTUS >>  ;
>         :startYear 1885 ; 
>         :endYear 1889 .
> :ClevelandTerm2 :occurrenceOf << :Cleveland :servedAs :POTUS >>  ;
>         :startYear 1893 ; 
>         :endYear 1897 .
> << :Harrison :servedAs :POTUS >> 
>         :after :ClevelandTerm1 ;
>         :before :ClevelandTerm2 .
> Thanks,
> Souri.From: Souripriya Das
> Sent: Monday, December 18, 2023 2:34 PM
> To: RDF-star WG <>
> Subject: type/token and corresponding annotations  I am trying to understand the requirements involving "type", "token", and related sets of annotations.
> Can an RDF graph contain the following (using RDF-star CG Report syntax) triples? (It shows annotations for the "type" :s :p :o,  and also for the two corresponding tokens identified using _:a and _:b.)
> << :s :p :o >> :accordingTo :john . # type, annotations
> _:a :occurrenceOf << :s :p :o >> ;  # token 1, annotations
>     :in <file1.ttl> ;
>     dct:creator :alice.
> _:b :occurrenceOf << :s :p :o >> ; # token 2, annotations
>     :in <file2.ttl> ;
>     dct:creator :bob.
> Thanks,
> Souri.

Received on Monday, 18 December 2023 23:40:50 UTC