provenance of multiple triples all at once in RDF-star

The comment below by Olaf caused me to realize that RDF-star already allows 
consolidation of provenance, as follows:

<< s p o >> prov:provenance :p1 .
<< s2 p2 o2 >> prov:provenance :p1 .
:p1 prov:source :nyt ;
     prov:date "2023" ;
     prov:strength 1.0 .   # It's the New York Times, after all!

No need to have any sort of multi-triple construct.


On 12/14/23 18:41, Olaf Hartig wrote:
> What should happen if someone writes the following two lines?
>    :occurrenceName rdf:occurrenceOf << :s1 :p1 :o1 >> .
>    :occurrenceName rdf:occurrenceOf << :s2 :p2 :o2 >> .
> Should the abstract syntax contain a constraint by which such a multi-use of :occurrenceName is defined to be invalid? Or should this be treated as an inconsistency under whatever entailment regime that is concerned with such rdf:occurrenceOf statements?
> Thanks,
> Olaf


Received on Saturday, 16 December 2023 00:02:15 UTC