Re: Validating instances based on other instances


> ex:Document_3
>   rdf:type ex:Document ;
>   # This should be invalid
>   ex:identifier "foo" ;

ex:Document_3 isn't reported because there doesn't exist any "<subject> 
ex:related "foo" ." triple.

Why should ex:Document_3 be invalid?

DDipl.-Ing. Simon Steyskal
Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna

www:  twitter: @simonsteys

Am 2016-09-28 09:09, schrieb Miika Alonen:
> Hi,
> I tried this but it doesnt seem to work.
> Full example:
> ex:A
>   rdf:type sh:Shape ;
>   sh:property [
>       sh:class ex:Dataset ;
>       sh:minCount 1 ;
>       sh:path [
>           sh:inversePath ex:identifier ;
>         ] ;
>     ] ;
>   sh:targetObjectsOf ex:related ;
> .
> ex:Dataset_1
>   rdf:type ex:Dataset ;
>   ex:identifier "123" ;
> .
> ex:Foo
>   rdf:type ex:SomethingElse ;
>   ex:identifier "foo" ;
> .
> ex:Document_1
>   rdf:type ex:Document ;
>   # This is the only triple that is reported to be invalid "Less than 1 
> values".
>   ex:related "abc" ;
> .
> ex:Document_2
>   rdf:type ex:Document ;
>   ex:related "123" ;
> .
> ex:Document_3
>   rdf:type ex:Document ;
>   # This should be invalid
>   ex:identifier "foo" ;
> .
> Tested this with TBC.
> - Miika
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Simon Steyskal" <>
> To: "Miika Alonen" <>
> Cc: "public-rdf-sha." <>
> Sent: Wednesday, 28 September, 2016 08:28:04
> Subject: Re: Validating instances based on other instances
> Hi!
> ex:A a sh:Shape ;
>    sh:targetObjectsOf ex:related ;
>    sh:property [
>    sh:path [ sh:inversePath ex:identifier ] ;
>    sh:minCount 1;
>    sh:class ex:Dataset ;
>    ] .
> should do the trick.
> HTH, simon
> ---
> DDipl.-Ing. Simon Steyskal
> Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
> www:  twitter: @simonsteys
> Am 2016-09-27 14:19, schrieb Miika Alonen:
>> It works - thanks. Not so trivial :)
>> Is it also possible to include Class reference to this workaround? In
>> case the identifier predicate is used by multiple types, for example:
>> ex:Dataset1 a ex:Dataset ; ex:identifier "1" .
>> ex:Dataset2 a ex:SomethingElse ; ex:identifier "2" .
>> ex:Document1 ex:related "2" . (INVALID)
>> - Miika.
>> -------------------------
>> FROM: "Dimitris Kontokostas" <>
>> TO: "Miika Alonen" <>
>> CC: "public-rdf-sha." <>
>> SENT: Tuesday, 27 September, 2016 09:18:03
>> SUBJECT: Re: Validating instances based on other instances
>> A minor adjustment / property swap
>> ex:A a sh:Shape ;
>>  sh:targetObjectsOf EX:RELATED ;
>>  sh:property [
>>  sh:path [ sh:inversePath EX:IDENTIFIER ]
>>  sh:minCount 1;
>>  ]
>> this shape would report
>> "12.123/example.1234" -> valid
>> "20.234/undefined.2234" -> invalid
>> "null" -> invalid
>> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Miika Alonen <>
>> wrote:
>>> I dont see how that would work. There can also be multiple Datasets
>>> and Documents are expected have references to non existing datasets
>>> eg:
>>> ex:Dataset1 ex:identifier "12.123/example.1234" .
>>> ex:Dataset2 ex:identifier "12.1234/example.2345" .
>>> ex:Dataset3 ex:identifier "12.123/example.4321" .
>>> ex:Document1 ex:related "12.123/example.1234" .
>>> ex:Document1 ex:related "20.234/undefined.2234" .
>>> ex:Document1 ex:related "null" .
>>> This again is example of "bad" data that could be cleaned - but
>>> there are many use cases where resources are "linked" using literal
>>> references.
>>> - Miika
>>> -------------------------
>>> FROM: "Dimitris Kontokostas" <>
>>> TO: "Miika Alonen" <>
>>> CC: "public-rdf-sha." <>
>>> SENT: Monday, 26 September, 2016 22:20:25
>>> SUBJECT: Re: Validating instances based on other instances
>>> Hi Miika,
>>> a workaround could be something like
>>> ex:A a sh:Shape ;
>>> sh:targetObjectsOf ex:identifier ;
>>> sh:property [
>>> sh:path [ sh:inversePath ex:related ]
>>> sh:minCount 1;
>>> ]
>>> On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 6:34 PM, Miika Alonen <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Question about how to validate instance literals (or irirefs)
>>>> based on other instance values.
>>>> I have a use case where i have literals that should be same as
>>>> some other literals, for example:
>>>> ex:Dataset ex:identifier "doi:10.3972/example.0145.db" .
>>>> ex:Document ex:related "doi:10.3972/example.0145.db" .
>>>> ex:Dataset ex:identifier "doi:10.3972/example.0145.db" .
>>>> ex:Document ex:related "doi:null" .
>>>> Is there other ways to validate this than Sparql constraints. I
>>>> know i could do something like:
>>>> < [1]> sh:prefix "ex" .
>>>> ex:DocumentShape
>>>> a sh:Shape ;
>>>> sh:targetClass ex:DocumentType ;
>>>> sh:sparql [
>>>> sh:message "Values must be dataset identifiers" ;
>>>> sh:select """
>>>> SELECT $this ?value
>>>> WHERE {
>>>> $this ex:related ?value .
>>>> ?identifier ex:identifier ?value .
>>>> }
>>>> """ ;
>>>> ] .
>>>> ETC ... but sparql seems bit overkill and it is hard to write. Is
>>>> there or could there be other ways to produce these queries? For
>>>> example property paths where first resource would be the starting
>>>> point of the property path, eg:
>>>> sh:DocumentShape
>>>> a sh:Shape .
>>>> sh:targetClass ex:DocumentType ;
>>>> sh:property [
>>>> sh:predicate ex:related ;
>>>> sh:equals ( ex:DatasetType ex:identifier );
>>>> ] .
>>>> - Miika
>>> --
>>> Dimitris Kontokostas
>>> Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig & DBpedia
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>>> Research Group: AKSW/KILT [6]
>> --
>>  Dimitris Kontokostas
>>  Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig & DBpedia
>> Association
>> Projects: [2], [3],
>> [4]
>> Homepage: [5]
>> Research Group: AKSW/KILT [6]
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Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2016 07:30:30 UTC