Hi Peter and thank you for your feedback
I tried to work further on this here
let me know if this resolves the issue.
On Friday, September 23, 2016, Holger Knublauch <holger@topquadrant.com>
> On 23/09/2016 11:36, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>> union operations on data graphs and shapes graphs
>>> It is unclear just what the data graph and the shapes graph are. There is
>> wording that both of these cannot be changed. However, there is also
>> wording
>> that various kinds of union operations are to be performed on shapes and
>> data graphs.
>>> Comment (HK): The only place I could find "union" was about handling
>> of owl:imports, which states that the result of this union is used as
>> shapes
>> graph. This looks OK to me. Could you clarify what you mean?
>>> Comment (DK): I tried to make the wording clearer here:
>> https://github.com/w3c/data-shapes/commit/b6fd2db5719cc9c9bd
>> ec464acdd2aefc8d0b5b68
>> I don't find this much better. If the shapes graph and the data graph
>> cannot be changed then there should not be wording about unioning,
>> extending, or otherwise modifying the shapes graph or the data graph.
> Dimitris, do you have time to revise this further? I guess we need to find
> a different term than "shapes graph" for the originally supplied graph. The
> real shapes graph may be the one that is the output of the transitive
> closure process.
> Thanks
> Holger