AW: Validation and documentation using SPIN templates examples and an extension for heuristics/expectations

On 7/24/14, 7:36 PM, Dimitris Kontokostas wrote:
Another related use case is that if a constraint violation happens, the system could *suggest* a fix. In SPIN we do this by creating INSERT/DELETE template calls as part of a constructed spin:ConstraintViolation. This can be exposed by user interfaces via a button "Fix me".

I think this should be out of the scope of the validation language but the language should support such hooks with generic annotations [1] that other tools can interpret

> Yeah, suggesting fixes is really a nice-to-have, and this feature has not been used much so far in our experience. Fortunately we are in RDF where anybody can add extra triples to an existing object, e.g. add >"annotations" to a constructed spin:ConstraintViolation object. That's one reason why we went with constraint definitions based on CONSTRUCT.

Hi all,

I recorded the discussed requirements in the RDF validation requirements database:

Please feel free to add your thoughts to the database.



Received on Friday, 25 July 2014 15:28:26 UTC