Re: Flexible schema inclusions and overloading in ShEx.

As far as I can think of, SPIN does not have support for this feature. I 
am sure it could be added if people find it relevant enough. Our goal 
designing SPIN was simplicity - it really was no rocket science to 
"invent" neither is it rocket science to use.

Does ShEx have support for [insert a random SPARQL feature here]?

Maybe we should really agree on a definite list of requirements before 
starting a random feature bake-off. And depending on who writes those 
requirements, the outcome is pre-determined.


On 7/22/14, 8:35 PM, Olivier Rossel wrote:
> Hi all.
> I would like to point out that ShEx has some ideas about a nice 
> feature coming from RelaxNG:
> "extending and overriding shapes"
> cf the discussion here
> This is really elegant and handy feature when you deal with data 
> descriptions on the long term (in standards, for example).
> I am not sure SPIN or ICV have any support for an equivalent feature.
> True?

Received on Tuesday, 22 July 2014 11:27:33 UTC