Re: RDFa test cases


I have comments inline:

Jeni Tennison wrote:
> My interpretation is that 'reserved' means that the special use of '_' 
> takes precedence over any other prefix mappings that may be provided 
> to it.

I believe this is correct.

> I do think the CURIE specification could be improved by defining in 
> much clearer language the four context items that the RDFa 
> specification states are used to interpret CURIEs.

Agreed.  We can achieve this through updating the errata document 
immediately.  I will try to draft some errata text and propose it for 
discussion at tomorrow's regular meeting.

>>> 8. The language-based tests aren't met, because I'm currently at a 
>>> loss as to how to amend rdfQuery to work out whether it's being used 
>>> in an HTML or XHTML setting and therefore whether xml:lang is a lang 
>>> attribute in the XML namespace or an attribute called 'xml:lang' in 
>>> no namespace.
>> You shouldn't need to know the setting.
>> defines the language of an element in
>> terms of the DOM, independent of the syntax, so it's the same for
>> documents parsed from HTML and XHTML.
> Yes, it would be nice if I could take that attitude. Even nicer if I 
> could rely on the DOM's lang property. I'm just not quite sure how to 
> square it with the requirement to work in legacy browsers (such as IE).

XHTML 1.1 and XHTML Basic 1.1 will soon re-introduce @lang with 
prioritization rules.  We anticipate ALSO introducing @lang into 
XHTML+RDFa in the next revision - obviously with the same rules.  It is 
important that people use @lang because of legacy issues with a number 
of user agents and assistive technologies.

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:

Received on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 14:55:17 UTC