telecon Thursday 14 May, 1500 UTC

Hi folks,

Our telecon is in a few hours, Thursday, 1500 UTC. Thanks to a fun 
episode of food poisoning, I am around and not traveling yet, so let's 
do this thing.


Thursday, May 14th, 2009
1500 UTC, W3C Zakim bridge
tel:+1.617.761.6200 conference code RDFA
Duration: 60 minutes
Scribe: Zakim, pick a victim


1) Action Items

2) Future of RDFa - XG?
activities: tools, evangelism, community assistance, vocab assistance 
(tools for vocabs in RDFa themselves?)

3) RDFa in HTML

4) Mark's @token proposal vs. @prefix
(brief discussion)

Received on Thursday, 14 May 2009 03:54:27 UTC