Re: Consensus on alternate prefixing mechanism

Shane McCarron wrote:
>> * I also think this should be Illegal  @prefix="audio=
>> video ="
>>       # spaces between the "=" equals.
> I'm not a big fan of it, but it doesn't hurt anything and Manu and
> others felt strongly that users are idiots and the more permissive we
> are the less likely it will be that people will get frustrated.

Whoa there Fallacious McParaphrasey!

I certainly never said that users were idiots. I don't think I've ever
held that position (broad as it is) and if it's come across as that,
then that's not what I think.

I do think that most web designers don't take the time to understand the
nuances in the languages that they use - sometimes out of negligence,
but most often because they are pressed for time or don't care enough
about going further than just getting the site working.

One of the goals of @prefix was to keep the same level of expressive
power as xmlns:, but to re-use a mechanism that they're used to - the
attribute='value' pattern.

-- manu

Manu Sporny
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: A Collaborative Distribution Model for Music

Received on Friday, 1 May 2009 13:26:27 UTC