Getting access to HTML WG CVS [was: Henri's RDFa statements in the XHTML2 FAQ]

Sam Ruby <>, 2009-07-07 13:34 -0400:

>  If you need access to the cvs repository for the HTML Working Group,

Note: That repository is /sources/public/html5 on our public CVS server.

> please contact Mike Smith for access,

Note to anybody who already has write access to our public CVS server
(a.k.a. -- for example, if you're maintaining docs there
already as drafts for another working group -- You don't need to send me
a key, because you already have write access to the whole server.

So if you have access already and want to check in something there, all
you need to do is give me a heads-up that you'll be checking in (so I'm
not blindsided by seeing a commit come in from out of blue).

And please do not check files into the top-level /html5 directory, but
instead create a new subdirectory under that -- e.g., /html5/FOO --
where FOO is whatever you want to name it (you don't have to ask for an
OK about what to name it, just pick a name, and we can rename it later
if we want to for some reason).

> and provide him with your ssh key.

So if you don't have access already, here are a few more details about
what's needed as far as the key:

You need to have an SSH2 keypair -- SSH2, not SSH1. SSH2 is what
ssh-keygen and other tools have generated by default for a long time
time. And it can be either RSA or DSA -- it doesn't matter which.

If you have a keypair you generated way back when, note that it might be
an SSH1 key, in which case you'll need to generate a new, SSH2 keypair.

As far as how to generate a keypair, if you're on Mac OSX or Linux, you
can do it just by running the "ssh-keygen" command with no arguments,
and just hitting Enter at the prompts to accept the defaults -- e.g.,
not setting a password on the key (unless you really want to deal with
typing in a password when you need to actually use the key).

After you've generated the keypair, you need to send me the public-key
part of the keypair. Please don't send me the private-key part, and
please especially don't send the private key to me attached as a reply
with a mailing list CC'ed (yeah, that has actually happened). The public
key is the one that'll have a ".pub" extension on its filename -- probably
"" (if you've used the ssh-keygen defaults) or "".

There are some general how-to details on keypair generation here:

...including some details on how to generate keys on Windows machines
using the "PuTTYGen" GUI application.

If you have questions or need help, please feel free to e-mail me directly.

> It is my understanding that Rob Sayre and Steve Faulkner have
> already done so.

That's correct.


Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Wednesday, 8 July 2009 03:54:43 UTC