Re: @rel syntax in RDFa (relevant to ISSUE-60 discussion), was: Using XMLNS in link/@rel

Julian Reschke wrote:
> Right now, <> does include it's own
> copy of CURIE. IMHO, the right thing to do is to put RDFa-syntax on hold
> until CURIE is ready,

Let's remember that RDFa is a REC with a number of deployments, so what
are you asking to "put on hold?"

I'm more than happy to continue the discussion. I would suggest we take
a step back and compare the costs here: implementations of RDFa are
working just fine, implementations that do not support RDFa will, at
worst, miss some of the RDFa @rel statements. A change at this point,
which would be a *major change* in a REC, would cause significant pain
to folks who have begun to widely deploy RDFa.

Meanwhile, I don't think there's a significant problem with having
language-specific syntax expansions for @rel, since we all agree that
semantically they're URIs (except when they're link-types).


Received on Friday, 27 February 2009 20:58:31 UTC