- From: Ben Adida <ben@adida.net>
- Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 22:07:07 -0800
- To: Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com>
- CC: Ian Hickson <ian@hixie.ch>, Henri Sivonen <hsivonen@iki.fi>, RDFa mailing list <public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf@w3.org>
Manu, As always, thanks for continuing this discussion and very productively summarizing a number of important points. I think this is very helpful. There is one small part with which I disagree that I'd like to highlight. > Where? Can anyone on here just point me to a page that has all of this > information in an easy-to-digest form? I don't have time to troll > through mailing lists discussing esoteric knowledge representation issues. [... and more in the same vein ...] There are a number of talks on RDFa, with slides and videos. Here are two that I found in < 1 minute: http://rdfa.info/talks-about-rdfa/ http://labs.creativecommons.org/2008/06/18/ccrel-joining-man-and-machine-presenting-cute-dogs/ But there's a deeper issue here: when did this become purely about advocacy? Sure, we can always improve the material, and I agree that we should make an effort here. That said, this is a technical discussion in a standards group. I expect folks to spend *some* time reviewing the existing body of work and research. There are hundreds of conference and journal articles about RDF, many of them about practical considerations and implementations. It's not okay to expect that everything worth considering has already been digested into a beautiful 10-minute YouTube video (the first few google hits for HTML5 are certainly involved [1]). In a technical discussion within a standards group, it's everyone's individual job to learn by reading some of these technical articles. Not everything, of course. Ian and other folks on the WG certainly don't need to become RDF or RDFa experts. But I believe that, in general, the important players of the HTML5 WG bear some responsibility to learn on their own the various areas of web research, and that includes the semantic web and RDFa, especially when RDFa appears in the HTML WG Charter. That's part of being a standards group editor/leader. -Ben [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/
Received on Monday, 23 February 2009 06:07:45 UTC