Re: RDFa Use Cases

Hello Manu, all

Manu Sporny wrote:
> All of the examples you provided as alternatives, including a first cut
> at the issues for each, have been added to the non-RDFa solutions page:
I'm not being awkward here but the two issues relating to Screen 
Scraping  are not really valid issues

    * Scrapers must be re-written or updated when the page layout changes.

No not at all usually this only happens when the data model changes, not 
when a page layout changes...

    * Scrapers must be written specifically for a specific site and
      single page type

Hmm again this is not accurate, the GRDDL profile[1] used by RDFa can be 
used on any RDFa embedded  page on any site, the same goes also for 
eRDF[2] and RDF-3T[3].

There are issues of course with screen scraping, as I mentioned above 
Scrapers do have to be re-written when a data model changes for example 
when "role" was changed to "instanceof" and then again when "typeof" was 
adopted. the RDFa GRDDL profile mentioned above had to be changed. The 
same issue also exists for web pages as above, when a data model changes 
the web pages need to be re-written. Of course when you have a format 
that everyone is happy with,  the issues I highlighted above go away.


Best wishes.

Martin McEvoy

"You may find it hard to swallow the notion that anything as large and apparently inanimate as the Earth is alive."
Dr. James Lovelock, The Ages of Gaia

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2009 02:54:54 UTC