Re: RDFa and Web Directions North 2009

Toby A Inkster wrote:
> There are theoretical objections to using xmlns:* attributes for RDFa in
> HTML. I understand them and mostly agree. It would be good to find a
> solution to these. But the practical problems are really minimal - once
> a stream of bytes has been turned into a DOM tree (and that is where the
> major differences between XHTML and HTML processing lie), the DOM tree
> can be processed as RDFa using the same algorithm for both XHTML and HTML.

That is exactly my experience, too.

The built-in parsing of xmlns:* in existing browsers may vary depending
on the mime type, but it's trivial to bypass this inconsistency if you
want to.

For example, the JavaScript RDFa library and bookmarklets [1] "just
work" on any DOM object, whatever the mime type. They have no trouble
pulling xmlns:* out of an HTML DOM.

Here's the proof: I took Henri's page, and added one <p> with RDFa that
uses the "dublincore" prefix that Henri defined, and another <p> with
the inlined RDFa bookmarklet so you can click the link and automatically
extract the triples live in your browser:

Same bytes, different mime types, live parsing *in your browser*
producing the same RDF triples.

(Works on Safari and Firefox, not on IE because I haven't debugged my
JavaScript there lately.)

Like Toby, I understand and am sympathetic to the objections regarding
the use of xmlns:* in an HTML document. That said, it's interesting to
note that the problem is not one of technical feasibility. It's pretty
easy to make it work, actually.



Received on Sunday, 15 February 2009 17:36:29 UTC