Re: RDFa and Web Directions North 2009

On Friday 13 February 2009, Ian Hickson wrote:
>If Amazon couldn't even be bothered to add a class for "price" in the 
>last  decade, why do we believe they will add RDFa? 

Because RDF(a) is actually powerful, class isn't. That's what I think 

>How does RDFa solve the problem that they have that I described but 
>that you cut from the above quotes, namely that they want to track 
>usage on a per-developer basis?  

OK, it doesn't. 

> How did you resolve issues such as different vocabularies having
> different enumerations of music genres?

Mostly, they are owl:SameAs. In some cases, they are owl:UnionOf, and in 
some case owl:IntersectionOf. It solved every problem we had, but 
conceivably, you could have genres that we weren't aware of existed. In 
which case we would have looked up in large ontologies managed by 
someone else. The archive/library/museum sector has a lot of useful 
stuff here.

> Why was getting data out of those varied formats hard? For ID3, for
> example, it's three lines of perl to get most of the common
> information.

Yeah, but this was written in Java, it takes at least 10 times as much 
code ;-) Besides, I didn't say it was hard, I said it was harder than 
e.g. aligning genres. Which says a lot about how easy this is to 
do! :-)


Kjetil Kjernsmo
Programmer / Astrophysicist / Ski-orienteer / Orienteer / Mountaineer
Homepage:     OpenPGP KeyID: 6A6A0BBC

Received on Friday, 13 February 2009 22:55:24 UTC