Re: RDFa with multiple CURIEs as property..

Hi Svante,

> Finally, I got a question regarding a 'trick' to assign an IRI to an
> literal, by using RDFa to create the following statement: <someIRI>
> owl:sameAs "someliteral".
> By this, the literal might be used in multiple statements.
> This can help having a scenario of an office application in mind, which has
> multiple RDF enabled extension all trying to use the literal in their
> graphs.
> Does this work in your eyes?

I think that's more of a question for one of the semweb lists, rather
than here. My guess though, is that this would not work, since it
would also imply that a literal is equivalent to a URI...which simply
cannot be, because fundamental RDF premises say they are not the same.

But like I say, I think you'd need to raise that question on a more
appropriate list. (And be prepared for the ensuing debate. ;))



Mark Birbeck, webBackplane

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Received on Friday, 31 October 2008 11:49:46 UTC