Re: RDFa SKOS and content negotiation - use of RDF-style # IDs in RDFa?

On Oct 6, 2008, at 8:29 AM, Steven Pemberton wrote:

> On Mon, 06 Oct 2008 13:53:37 +0200, Dan Brickley <>  
> wrote:
>>> What I meant was, I am unsure of the value of being able to say  
>>> that a primary topic has a temporal dimension, if you can't say  
>>> that about anything else in RDF.
>> There's a trick here. Choose your properties with care.
>> The foaf:mbox property, for example, has built in temporal  
>> constraints.
> Well, recognising that it has a temporal dimension still doesn't let  
> you do anything about it.
>> Even though we can't decorate RDF instance data with triple-by- 
>> triple temporal annotations (and would we really want to?)
> I think not, and that is why I think the temporal part of ttdb:  
> doesn't answer sufficient a need.
> We could of course introduce properties
> 	wasPrimaryTopicOf
> 	willBePrimaryTopicOf
> 	shouldHaveBeenPrimaryTopicOf
> just to be on the safe side.

Aaargh.  No, please don't do that. Don't use tenses in anything that  
is going to get stored for a while and then taken out of storage.

But maybe you were joking...

I think we should prohibit irony from these discussions, the chances  
of being misunderstood are too great. One person's insanity is another  
person's neat idea.


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Received on Monday, 6 October 2008 16:22:02 UTC