Re: RDFa SKOS and content negotiation - use of RDF-style # IDs in RDFa?

On Mon, 06 Oct 2008 13:53:37 +0200, Dan Brickley <> wrote:
>> What I meant was, I am unsure of the value of being able to say that a  
>> primary topic has a temporal dimension, if you can't say that about  
>> anything else in RDF.
> There's a trick here. Choose your properties with care.
> The foaf:mbox property, for example, has built in temporal constraints.

Well, recognising that it has a temporal dimension still doesn't let you  
do anything about it.

> Even though we can't decorate RDF instance data with triple-by-triple  
> temporal annotations (and would we really want to?)

I think not, and that is why I think the temporal part of ttdb: doesn't  
answer sufficient a need.

We could of course introduce properties


just to be on the safe side.


Received on Monday, 6 October 2008 13:30:12 UTC