Re: "the main thing described by this document" (was RDFa SKOS and content negotiation - use of RDF-style # IDs in RDFa?

> I was wondering whether we might also sneak in a common symbol  
> '#123412341234' (or something else obscure) meaning "the main thing  
> described by this document", so that this common case could proceed  
> without risk of unintended clashes (except by those who use that  
> hard-to-guess symbol).

Ugh ugh ugh!

You have suddenly set the burner under my "willingness to argue for a pto:  
URI scheme" a notch higher! Two notches!

I absolutely support an easy way to say "the main thing described by this  
document", a) since it is such an important and frequent use case, b)  
authoring it should be easy, and c) I understood at a talk at XTech that a  
lot of people are already doing this wrong.

But please, please, if we're going to do it, let's do it cleanly, and not  
with a hack!

Best wishes,


Received on Monday, 6 October 2008 11:13:35 UTC