RE: 2 RDFa SPARQL Test Harness Issues

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Manu Sporny []
> Sent: 17 May 2008 19:53
> To: RDFa mailing list; Seaborne, Andy; Benjamin Nowack
> Cc: Dave Beckett
> Subject: 2 RDFa SPARQL Test Harness Issues
> Hi all,
> This is a summary of all the current RDFa Test Harness issues that we
> have including a couple I found this morning. I'm cc'ing Andy and Benji
> in the hope that they have some insight into these issues. All test
> cases can be viewed via Crazy Ivan (RDFa Test Harness):

> UTF-8 issues with ARC and - TCs 60, and 108
> ------------------------------------------------------
> We currently have two test cases that use UTF-8 characters (TC#60 and
> TC#108). The and ARC SPARQL engines both die processing
> queries containing multi-byte UTF-8 characters:
> Here's what does:

> %AC+%E5%90%8E%E5%AD%90%22+.%0D%0A%7D&default-graph-
> testcases%2F0060.xhtml&stylesheet=%2Fxml-to-html.xsl

It starts with "\ufeffASK", i.e. a BOM.  You don't want the BOM - this is not a text file, it's a parameter string to a SPARQL request - and the query string be presented in UTF-8.  SPARQL is only defined for UTF-8.

Remove the BOM and the bomb will not go off.  I then get "ASK => true"

> We had not seen this issue until now due to a cut-paste issue in the
> Test Harness, which made both the XHTML and SPARQL queries look for "??
> ??" (four question marks separated by a space in the middle). The TCs
> were updated to use the proper UTF-8 characters, which broke the SPARQL
> engines. Andy, Benji - any chance that this could be fixed in the near
> future?
> False Positives in Test Harness with TCs 52, 53, and 58
> -------------------------------------------------------
> We currently have a couple of bnode tests showing a PASS when they
> should be FAIL. All test cases have what we thought was the proper way
> to check for a bnode's existence. This bug exists in librdfa and had not
> been caught until Dave Beckett pointed out an issue with these Test
> Cases and librdfa. I had erroneously replied stating that those test
> cases pass in the Test Harness (which they do, and they have always
> done). However, they should not be passing. Take TC #52, librdfa and
> as an example. Here's the XHTML:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN"
> "">
> <html xmlns=""
>       xmlns:foaf="">
>   <head>
>     <title>Test 0052</title>
>   </head>
>   <body>
>     <p typeof="foaf:Person" resource="">
>       John Doe
>     </p>
>   </body>
> </html>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> librdfa produces the following RDF/XML, which is incorrect - the node
> should not contain an @rdf:about...
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <rdf:RDF
>  xmlns:foaf=""
>  xmlns:xh1=""
>  xmlns:rdf=""
> >
>  <foaf:Person rdf:about="">
>  </foaf:Person>
> </rdf:RDF>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> but, surprisingly says that there is a solution to the query.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> _:a
>    <>
>       <> .
> }
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

That's looks right to me - bNodes in a SPARQL query are variables (unnamed existentals), not constants of the query.  For plain RDF, they match like any other variable.

That query is the same as

 ASK WHERE { ?x a <> }

(bNodes match differently over OWL-DL as they can match an anonymous disjunction but this is not OWL-DL).

> This leads me to believe that the SPARQL above doesn't do what we think
> it does, but I haven't been able to find any documentation detailing how
> bnode identification happens in SPARQL queries.
> The question that we're attempting to ask above is "is there a bnode
> that has an rdf:type of foaf:Person?", not "is there any node that has
> an rdf:type of foaf:Person?".

Maybe something like:

{ ?x a <>


> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny
> President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: DB Launches Medical Record Sales Service with Shepherd Medical

Received on Saturday, 17 May 2008 20:27:11 UTC