Re: ISSUE-122: CR Comment: Comments on Syntax from Alan Ruttenberg

Hi Ben/Ralph,

> I'm top-posting because.... +1 to everything, I have nothing to add, this is
> a great and complete response, including the recommendations you propose to
> the text.

Agreed. I should have replied earlier when I read it, so apologies for
the delay.

> Mark, Shane: what do you think? If you agree, can we update the editors'
> draft accordingly ASAP? The changes should be minimal.

I'm off on holiday tomorrow for a week, so I wouldn't be able to do
anything until next week. Would you be able to look at this Shane?
Sorry to bail on you like that. ;)



Mark Birbeck, webBackplane

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Received on Monday, 11 August 2008 23:08:57 UTC