Help with test case 105 and 106

Hey everybody,

Can you help me find the relevant parts of the spec for test cases 105 and

105 has this:
 <div about="" rel="dc:creator">
         <a rel="myfoobarrel" href="ben.html">Ben</a> created this page.

With expected output of
<> <dc:creator> _:blank
(and no triples involving ben.html)

Similarly, 106 has this:

<div about="" rel="dc:creator">
   <a rel="" href="manu.html">Manu</a> created this page.

With the same expected output, including no triples involving manu.html.

My parser is picking up the blank node as expected, but also separately
completing the triple based on @href. Why is this wrong?

Could one generalize to say that non-CURIE (and also non-html-reserved) rel
values can be treated as if they werenąt there? If not, what is the right

Thanks! -m

Received on Monday, 4 August 2008 03:43:48 UTC