Re: Fine-tuning CURIEs (reply #2 :-)

Just a related note, thanks to Shane for being very precise below. We
should be careful _not_ to use the term 'namespace' in neither of the
two documents, but rather 'prefix'. We could get shot at and possible
burnt alive if we are not careful:-)


Shane McCarron wrote:
> Works for me, fwiw.  I don't think that having a default prefix (note
> that these are NOT namespaces.... don't get confused) is terribly useful
> in the XHTML case.  If you need to deal with things like openid.server,
> supply an appropriate GRDDL profile and transformation engine to "do the
> necessary".  As to how this gets addressed in the CURIE spec - that's
> for the CURIE spec.  Not relevant here IMHO.
> Ben Adida wrote:
>> Mark wrote:
>>> I haven't yet seen anything that convincingly says why we should
>>> change the parsing rules for CURIEs such that they are no longer a
>>> super-set of QNames, given that their whole purpose is to do what
>>> QNames has been co-opted to do, but do it 'properly'.
>> I think Ivan is right on this one: our thinking cannot depend on a
>> future CURIE spec. We need to make things work with existing XHTML 1.1.
>> So, with a CURIE-independent mindset, we can't have rel="openid.server"
>> or rel="DC.creator" generate spurious triples. If we attempt this, we'll
>> get killed at Last Call, just like we got killed for the spurious @class
>> triples.
>> I don't see any other solution than to say that "next" and "prev" are
>> special-cased, using e.g. a pre-processing step, and any other
>> non-namespaced values are ignored.
>> If that changes in XHTML2, that's fine, of course. Consistency is not
>> always possible when we have to be mostly backwards compatible with the
>> existing web. But XHTML1.1+RDFa can't force authors to change their
>> XHTML 1.1 too much.
>> -Ben


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Friday, 14 September 2007 07:50:04 UTC