Re: [RDFa TC] TC 29 and normalizing spaces of the children of an element used as a property value.

In XHTML xml:space is always set to preserve.  See 
production 8

Mark Birbeck wrote:
> Hi Fabien,
> I agree with least I think I do, but I can't find any
> suitable references!
> I'm almost certain that leading and trailing white space in element
> content in XML is discarded, unless you set @xml:space="preserve".
> Now, that does raise an interesting question which we haven't
> considered before, which is whether the parser should honour the
> setting of @xml:space. But putting that aside, I also can't see why
> there is a trailing space on test 29.
> Perhaps Michael could help? Are you using a non-XML parser in your
> tests, which might account for the fact that leading and trailing
> spaces are not being dropped? Or am I wrong that they are supposed to
> be dropped?
> Regards,
> Mark
> On 12/09/2007, Fabien Gandon <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> TC29 is the only thing preventing me to release the new transform an
>> parser and I think it is a pity.
>> Can anyone explain me how the children nodes of the <span> in TC29
>> should be processed to pass the test ; in particular the text nodes.
>> I currently have two options:
>>  1 - I normalize-space() the values and obtain the wrong result:
>> <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
>> <dc:creator xmlns:dc=""
>> rdf:datatype="">Mark
>> Birbeck</dc:creator>
>> </rdf:Description>
>>  2 - I don't normalise-space () the values and obtain the wrong result:
>> <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
>> <dc:creator xmlns:dc=""
>> rdf:datatype="">Mark Birbeck
>>            </dc:creator>
>> </rdf:Description>
>> I don't see the algorithm for generating the trailing white space of the
>> current test (especially in XSLT1) and to me it is not clear how the
>> process described in section 4.3 generates this trailing space.
>> Moreover if I don't normalize-space() I no longer pass TC28 since in
>> this test case the corresponding ASK does not have a trailing space even
>> if the original RDFa does have spaces and break-rows in the <span> ...
>> TC28:
>> TC29:
>> Failing a SPARQL query on a white space is pretty frustrating when one
>> knows all the other things that could have gone wrong ;-)
>> in one word: HELP !
>> in two words: HELP PLEASE!
>> Cheers,
>> Fabien Gandon :
>>> Hello,
>>> I am passing all the tests except TC29 see discussion bellow.
>>> In addition I would like to suggest 3 new TCs:
>>> TC 46: multiple properties separated by white spaces
>>> TC 47: multiple relations separated by white spaces
>>> TC 48: a VEvent example using @instanceof
>>> Hausenblas, Michael a écrit :
>>>> TC11: Hm. Not sure how I could help here, but let me know
>>>> if I can do anything ...
>>> We found the problem: instead of using a datatype I must use the old
>>> RDF syntax rdf:parseType="Literal"
>>>> TC29: The additional space is there on purpose; cf. also the review
>>>> at [1]
>>> When reading section 4.3 paragraph 2 :
>>> "The [current object literal] will be set as a [typed literal] if the
>>> datatype attribute is present, and does not have an empty value. The
>>> actual literal is either the value of the content attribute (if
>>> present) or a string created by concatenating the inner content of
>>> each of the children in turn, of the [current element]. The final
>>> string includes the datatype, as described here:???"
>>> I still don't see why and how I am supposed to generate this trailing
>>> space ; could someone tell me what is the algorithm for going from the
>>> concatenation of the XML nodes of the source document to the
>>> xsd:string of the ASK?
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> Fabien -
>> --
>> Fabien -

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Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2007 11:19:28 UTC