Re: Possible solution to XMLLiteral issue (ISSUE-25)

On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 10:53 -0400, Elias Torres wrote:
> [...] On our RDFa TF call, we discussed with Mark
> the XMLLiteral issue

Is that issue 25?

It would be nice to have some convention for subject
lines that are relevant to issues... though I
prefer content-bearing words ("XMLLiteral issue")
to issue numbers.

I encourage the use of both some content-bearing
words and the issue number.

Oh... the tracker docs say
  If you're mentioning a particular issue simply use the issue
identifier, such as ´ISSUE-123¡. The word ISSUE must be in uppercase.

though I think the SWD tracker is only watching
the public-swd-wg list, not this one. Oh well.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 19 March 2007 15:51:43 UTC