Meeting record 2007-07-19

A little rough at the edges I'm afraid, but I had to get them posted  

In text:

                                - DRAFT -

                       Weekly RDFa Teleconference

19 Jul 2007



    See also: [3]IRC log



           +043316876aaaa, mhausenblas, Ralph, Ben, Steven, Simone,




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Action items
          2. [6]@resource and @href on same element
          3. [7]interaction of @instanceof, @about, and @rel
      * [8]Summary of Action Items

    <RalphS> Agenda: name: Smith, MacKenzie

    <RalphS> email: kenzie@MIT.EDU

    <RalphS> oops, strike that


    <RalphS> [9]previous 2007-07-12


    <scribe> scribe: Steven




    <RalphS> [11]


    <RalphS> ACTION: Ben/Ralph to figure out the RDFa-GRDDL-profile URI
    (at [recorded in
    [12]] [DONE]


Action items

    <RalphS> Ralph: I believe my request for
    [13] in
    tml will be approved


    <scribe> ACTION: [NEW] Ben to sum up @href/@resource everywhere
    proposal [recorded in


    <scribe> -- done

    <scribe> ACTION: [PENDING] Ben to look into Science Commons use case
    [recorded in


    <scribe> ACTION: Ben/Ralph to figure out the RDFa-GRDDL-profile URI
    (at [recorded in
    [17]] [DONE]


    <scribe> ACTION: Elias to send email to list with use case from IBM
    [recorded in


    <scribe> ACTION: Mark get input from Joost on @HREF everywhere
    [recorded in
    [19]] [DONE]


    <scribe> ACTION: MarkB to work rdf:label back into RDFa syntax when
    using @content [recorded in


    <scribe> ACTION: MarkB to work rdf:label back into RDFa syntax when
    using @content after October [CONTINUES] [recorded in

@resource and @href on same element

    Topic: @resource and @href on same element

    Ben: What happens?



    <mhausenblas> ->

    Mh: How do you decide when something is dereferenceable?

    Ben: URI vs URN?

    MH: But with http: you don't know if a URI is dereferencable until
    you try

    Ben: Example?

    MH: [scribe misses]

    Ben: No, the idea of @resource in this proposal is to override href
    in the same way that @content overrides the real content
    ... @resource always overrides @href for the semantic purpose

    Bne: Any objections?

    Steven: Sounds mostly harmless

    Mark: In the case of @content we are thinking of the content
    providing the rdf:label
    ... in this case we could use the href in a similar way
    ... in any case the href shouldn't generate a new version of the
    same triple

    Ben: Need more time?

    Steven: Well I do, but I understand we are under time pressure

    <Zakim> mhausenblas, you wanted to ask on @resource precedence ...

    <Zakim> RalphS, you wanted to propose an action to make a test case

    <benadida> ACTION: MichaelH to put together test cases for @resource
    @href on same element [recorded in

    Steven: I suppose my only problem is that RDFa is getting more and
    more complicated, while it started off so simple

    Ben: I think the fact that the clickable href may not be the
    semantic one is a good use case
    ... don't you think the similarity to @content convincing?

    Steven: I have many times needed @content, but never felt the need
    for @resoruce

    <RalphS> Simone: RDFa must remain simple to allow simple

    Simone: [muffled]

    Ben: Yes, but we mustn't be *too* simple
    ... it is a question of balance
    ... href should be mentioned iin the primer in the main section and
    @resource should be in the advanced section

    <Simone> Simone: I think we may remain simple, actually people uses
    Microformats and not other, as You said Ben, we must found a Good
    balance for simplicity ;)

    Ralph: I vote for keeping the primer simple, but I don't think we
    need a use case to justify this feature.
    ... in the primer
    ... but we do need it in the spec

    <RalphS> Ralph: for interoperability we need to specify the behavior
    when both attributes are used in the same element

    Steven: I'm worried that RDFa, which used to be describable in a
    paragraph is getting too complicated
    ... I haven't been convinced of the utility of @resoruce over just

    <RalphS> [24]


    Mark: Well, this is standard rdf stuff, why do you think it is OK to
    have an href to a non-dereferencable URI?

    <RalphS> [25][RDFa] ISSUE-34: partial resolution to @href everywhere


    Steven: I don't agree that it is so cut and dried that there is such
    a division

    <mhausenblas> +q

    <Zakim> RalphS, you wanted to say that we may not need to justify a
    use case

    Mark: Well, is something an information resource or not?
    ... that is a good distinction
    ... otherwise you can't talk about web pages, make statements about

    Ben: We have another huge issue to discuss, so we are in a time bind
    ... I have to ask if you can live with this
    ... especially since you are going on vacation

    Steven: I hadn't taken the discussion last week as a resolution of
    the @resource issue

    MH: Well, if you don't want to use @resource you don't have to use
    ... it doesn't make the language more complicated

    Ben: Well as an author, but not as a consumer

    Ralph: We are concerned that @href should have effect outside of
    RDFa, and so is unsafe for us to rely on presentational behaviours,
    so I supported the addition of @resource
    ... I don't agree with Mark's interpretation about different types
    of URIs being approriate or not for the two attributes
    ... I think we need @resource because of href legacy
    ... I agree about avoiding complexity

    <RalphS> Steven: looking at the messages in the thread about
    introducing @href and @resource together, I was shocked at the
    complexity of the additional rules

    <RalphS> ... by slow accretion we've increased the complexity

    <RalphS> ... I have a feeling of uneasiness about the addition of
    new rules

    <RalphS> Ben: the additional rules had to do with the next issue,
    considering striping, not so much this one

    Mark: But I haven't heard a good reason for why you think it is OK
    to put a URN in an href

    Steven: But I don'; think that that is wrong
    ... a browser could dereference such a thing
    ... even if current browsers don't
    ... I can imagine ways it could be done

    Mark: But the current practice for href is that it points at a
    dereferencable thing

    Ralph: I didn't want this argument today
    ... but I don't think we need to differentiate between two sorts of

    <Zakim> mhausenblas, you wanted to ask Steven about the scope of

    MH: Steven, are you worried about complecity for authors or

    Steven: Both, but mostly authors

    <RalphS> Ralph: <a href="urn:..."> doesn't do very much useful in
    today's browsers but it's not improper.

    Ben: Even if Mark is wrong, the risk is small
    ... in the future we could delete the feature if we don't need it

    <markbirbeck> creates a blue link in today's browsers. :)

    Ralph: I'd rather people use href, but I think there is a need for

    Ben: The reason we think rdfa is better is because we have thought
    through the edge cases
    ... I hope you can live with this Steven
    ... I agree that it is bigger than it was, but that's because there
    is a lot of interest from other people

    <RalphS> Steven: I am willing to live with @resource

    Steven: I am willing to say I can live with it, in order to move

    (I said the same about @class by the way)

    RESOLUTION: @href and @resource everywhere

    <benadida> ... and that @resource overrides @href as per


    RESOLUTION: @resource overrides @href as per Ben's propoal

    <mhausenblas> +1

    <RalphS> I can live with this too

    Ben: Steven's worries noted
    ... I had to live with not using @class, so I know how you feel

    <RalphS> [telecon extended +15 mins]

interaction of @instanceof, @about, and @rel

    Ben: Whatever @instanceof is called
    ... instanceof represents rdf:type

    <benadida> <div rel="foaf:knows">

    <benadida> <span property="foaf:name">Ben</span>

    <benadida> </div>

    Ben: This is useful for a lot of cases

    <benadida> <div rel="foaf:knows" instanceof="foaf:Person">

    <benadida> <div about="#bar" rel="foaf:knows"

    <benadida> <#bar> foaf:knows _:div0

    Ben: Without the instanceof here, it would mean the triple above
    ... but what does instanceof apply to? bar or bnode
    ... I think bnode

    Mark: It feels like it should apply to the @about

    <benadida> <div about="#bar" rel="foaf:knows">

    <benadida> <link rel="rdf:type" href="foaf:Person">

    <benadida> </div>

    Mark: It would allow you to build up by adding more people to who
    you know


    Ben: So you agree?

    Mark: Yes

    <Zakim> mhausenblas, you wanted to ask what happens with additional

    MH: What about if there is an id?

    Ben: Not so fast

    <Zakim> RalphS, you wanted to say if intuition doesn't match the
    specification we're creating a long-term problem for ourselves

    Ralph: The intuition of people coming fresh to this is important,
    and they are likely to assume the subject in this case
    ... we shouldn't try to justify a non-intuitive interpretation

    Mark: If you add it progressively, I think it makes sense
    ... maybe @about is going to be less common than we have thought
    ... you could rewrite lots of examples differently, so that
    href/resource would be more likely

    Ben: The complication is that in the past we have been annotating
    existing content
    ... [scribe doesn't understand]

    Mark: You mean you think people will use href for the subject a lot

    Ben: I can't say for sure
    ... but may be
    ... I think striping will happen in RDFa
    ... we do need a shorthand for rdf:type
    ... there is a necessar level of complexity

    <benadida> <a about="/photo1" rel="license"


    Ben: we do need @about

    <benadida> <span resource="/photo">

    <benadida> <a rel="license" href="...">

    <benadida> </span>

    <benadida> <img rel="license" src=...>

    Ralph: Does the right thing happen if you use img src= ?

    Ben: Yes

    Mark: You mean if the src has /photo ?
    ... then you would need rev

    Ralph: Then I think this is unintuitive

    Ben: There might be complex rules for whacky use, but best practice
    will always be easy

    Mark: We have to resolve what happens if @resource and @src coexist
    on an element

    Ralph: I need to reread the thread

    <RalphS> Ralph: I'm concerned about the intuition regarding <img
    src="/photo1" rel="license" href="[28]" />
    and the <a about="/photo1"> example


    Ben: Please send your thoughts Steven before you go on vacation of

    <mhausenblas> Please use ->
    [29] as an
    example repository


    Ben: Mark, we need to come up with a consistent story on this

    <RalphS> next meeting: 26 July


Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Ben to sum up @href/@resource everywhere proposal
    [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: MichaelH to put together test cases for @resource
    @href on same element [recorded in


    [PENDING] ACTION: Ben to look into Science Commons use case
    [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: Elias to send email to list with use case from IBM
    [recorded in
    [PENDING] ACTION: MarkB to work rdf:label back into RDFa syntax when
    using @content after October [recorded in


    [POSTPONED] ACTION: MarkB to work rdf:label back into RDFa syntax
    when using @content [recorded in


    [DONE] ACTION: Ben/Ralph to figure out the RDFa-GRDDL-profile URI
    (at [recorded in
    [DONE] ACTION: Mark get input from Joost on @HREF everywhere
    [recorded in


    [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 19 July 2007 16:33:56 UTC