Re: [RDFa] ISSUE-3 @class and @role for rdf:type

Steven Pemberton wrote:
> On Thu, 05 Jul 2007 09:37:13 +0200, Ivan Herman <> wrote:
>> I agree with the general direction of your thoughts. @role is being
>> discussed by the XHTML group to be included into some future releases of
>> XHTML (I do not want to go into the debate of which version number this
>> will have:-). We should _not_ use that attribute and bring it forward,
>> so to say, to XHML1.1. I is not our role (sic!).
>> Formally, and to close the issue: I vote for @class as described.
> I think that your argumentation doesn't count here Ivan.
> We are 'bringing forward' several things, by creating an XHTML 1.1+RDFa.
> What attributes we use are independent. @about is new too, but
> essential, @role is already implemented in Firefox, and we can add it to
> the mix if we want.
> Don't muddy the waters please :-)


There is a difference, though. @about has been introduced for RDFa.
However, (and I may be wrong with that!) @role was introduced with some
general, not-necessarily-RDF usage in XHTML2 that RDFa _may_ reuse.
And, from the RDFa side, there is no way to predict what the evolution
of @role will be in future versions of XHTML2...


> Steven


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
PGP Key:

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2007 10:42:49 UTC