RE: CURIEs, xmlns and bandwidth

Hi Dan,

> > We fully intend to use GRDDL to convert the metadata in News 
> > Items to triples.  We've decided to use URIs (expressed as 
> > CURIEs) for *every* term drawn from a vocabulary.  As any 
> > individual News Item will employ many vocabularies, this will 
> > require many prefix->URI declarations.  And we can't afford 
> > the impact of using xmlns for this purpose.

> You can just choose "well-known" prefixes and hard-code them
> in your XSLT transformation. i.e. well-known to everybody
> that uses your profile. Then they don't have to be declared
> in each document.

Within our standards, each news provider is free to use their own 
taxonomies, eg of subjects, entities, genres, etc.  So there are 
no "well-known" prefixes to hardwire.

> > Consider a broadcast stream of real-time headlines.
> > Let's say that the text of each headline requires 50 bytes.  
> > Let's also say that the story metadata (which needs to be 
> > carried with the headline to allow filtering by recipients) 
> > requires 20 vocabularies and that each prefix declaration 
> > takes 50 bytes.  So having started with 50 bytes of text, we 
> > now end up broadcasting 21 * 50 bytes.  This is why we want to 
> > use XInclude to allow the prefix->URI declarations to be 
> > outside the headline object.  And XInclude can't be used for 
> > xmlns declarations.

> Are you broadcasting the headlines in little XHTML documents?
> Or in a custom XML vocabulary?

NewsML 2 (under development) uses our own XML Schema for the 
metadata (NewsML 1 is DTD-based).  NewsML is content-agnostic, and 
may carry any payload.  Where the payload is text, some IPTC 
members (including Reuters) use XHTML, while others use a markup 
language called NITF.

> Do you have some examples that you're kicking around? Sorry if 
> I'm asking you to repeat yourself.

Our current draft looks like this.  The URI examples are just that 
(ie examples).

    <ns prefix="nc" uri=""/>
    <ns prefix="rtr" uri=""/>
    <ns prefix="lang" uri=""/>
    <ns prefix="curr" uri=""/>
    <creator code="afp:llm"/>
    <contributor code="greekMythology:muse"/>
    <source code="org:iptc"/>
    <audience code="aud:implementors"/>
    <service code="service:tech"/>
    <edNote>Eat afer reading</edNote>
    <title>Hello World</title>
    <description>Something or other ...</description>
    <subject code="nc:04008018"/>
    <subject code="rtr:123"/>
    <subject code="rtr:456"/>
    <subject code="rtr:789"/>
    <subject code="curr:JPY"/>
    <genre code="spec:tech"/>
    <language code="lang:zh-Hant"/>

> If you help me understand your target, I might be able to
> flesh out what I'm suggesting. 


Misha Wolf
News Standards Manager, Reuters,
Vice-Chair, News Architecture Working Party, IPTC,

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Received on Monday, 31 October 2005 13:43:31 UTC