Re: Renewed RDF/XHTML task force - first telecon

On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 08:29, Ralph R. Swick wrote:
> At 07:58 AM 8/4/2004 -0400, Ben Adida wrote:
> >In the interest of simplicity, let's keep this task force under the SWBPD WG.
> I'm not sure what you mean by this, Ben.  It is important that the
> SWBPD and HTML WGs coordinate on this task.  I will work with
> Mimasa on how exactly to continue to make that happen.

I sent that email out too quickly: I had the mistaken impression that
coordinating the task force might be unnecessary administrative

I agree with Ralph: the WGs should collaborate, and let's make sure this
collaboration is official, not just implied.


Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2004 16:31:42 UTC