Re: Renewed RDF/XHTML task force - first telecon

At 07:58 AM 8/4/2004 -0400, Ben Adida wrote:
>In the interest of simplicity, let's keep this task force under the SWBPD WG.

I'm not sure what you mean by this, Ben.  It is important that the
SWBPD and HTML WGs coordinate on this task.  I will work with
Mimasa on how exactly to continue to make that happen.

>We'll continue to use this mailing list and involve any member of the HTML WG who's interested!

yes, good.  The Semantic Web Coordination Group was the sponsor
of this joint task force and delegated that sponsorship to the
Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group
when that WG was chartered.  Continuing the discussion on
this list is important to maintain continuity, as was noted in the
full WG telecon [1].



Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2004 08:29:41 UTC