Re: Editorial: SPARQL Update and LOAD -- inconsistent text.

On 15 Aug 2011, at 18:49, Andy Seaborne wrote:

> The update document is inconsistent about LOAD.
> [[ 3.1.4 LOAD
> an empty graph being retrieved will not create a new graph in the graph
> store.
> ]]

I'd be fine with dropping that (see also last mail for clarifying wording on failure behavior of update, where I also mentioned that this sentence was potentially problematic: and where I suggested a rewording)


> This disagrees with the formal definition
> [[ 4.3.4 Load Operation
> OpLoad(GS, documentIRI, iri) =
>     Dataset-UNION(GS, { {}, (iri,graph(documentIRI)) } )
> graph(documentIRI) is a function returning the RDF graph serialized by
> the RDF document retrieved from IRI documentIRI
> ]]
> but an empty graph is a legal RDF document and so it does create an
> empty graph. This may be removed but it is not required.
> I prefer the formal definition version.
>         Andy

Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2011 13:55:57 UTC