Re: Review SPARQL Query 1.1, Section 18 (algebra)

On 2 May 2011 21:10, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
> I've made changes:
> 1/
> Definition: Filter
> Filter(expr, Ω, D(G)) = { μ | μ in Ω and expr(μ) is an expression that has
> an effective boolean value of true }
>   Note that evaluating an exists(pattern) expression uses
>   the dataset and active graph, D(G).
>   See the evaluation of filter.

I now I am a pain in the arse, but I can't help it ;-)

We now have:
Definition: Filter
Filter(expr, Ω, D(G)) =

Definition: Evaluation of Filter(F, P)
eval(D(G), Filter(F, P)) = Filter(F, D(G), eval(D(G),P))

In the Filter Def. D(G) occurs in the third position, whereas in the
Evaluation Def. it is used in the second position.

> 2/
> Definition: Evaluation of Filter(F, P)
> eval(D(G), Filter(F, P)) = Filter(F, eval(D(G),P), D(G))
> and moved the definitions for substitute and exists next to eval of Filter.
> I don't think it's helpful to rewrite the whole of expression evaluation to
> include D(G) but instead use language and highlight that the context of
> evaluation can provide it.

I am still not really happy with the way it is handled :-( Before
FILTER (NOT) EXISTS the algebra and its evaluation was quite
systematic; BGPs generate solutions and everything else was on top of
that, combining and working with sets of solutions. This nice
organisation is now gone :-( We have now a muddled interaction, which
relies on language to explain how all this is supposed to work.
Unfortunately, there's not much time to get anything better written up
and I guess neither you nor I (definitely not I) have the time to work
on this at the moment :-(

>        Andy

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Received on Monday, 2 May 2011 22:17:51 UTC