Re: Service description spec - service name

  Hi Greg,

I agree with your answer to the RS-1 email. In particular, regarding the 
alignment between the terminology of the service description and 
federation documents, I will rename from service name to a more suitable 
naming convention in the Fed document.


On 01/04/2011 18:38, Gregory Williams wrote:
> I've started to draft a response to Robert Scanlon on his comments about the service description document:
> I think most of his concerns are based on a misunderstanding between the service (possibly an IRI) and the service URL (the place you access the service as defined by the sparql protocol).
> The one issue the comment raises that needs addressing is the terminology difference between the SD and Fed documents. The SD document refers to a "service URL" while the fed document (in discussing what goes inside the<>  of a SERVICE pattern) refers to a "service name". I notice that the current Protocol draft defines a "SPARQL endpoint" as "The URI at which a SPARQL Protocol service listens for requests from SPARQL Protocol clients." Maybe the SD (and fed) document should s/service URL/service URI/?
> Thoughts?
> thanks,
> .greg

Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2011 09:03:49 UTC