Re: Service description spec - service name

I've started to draft a response to Robert Scanlon on his comments about the service description document:

I think most of his concerns are based on a misunderstanding between the service (possibly an IRI) and the service URL (the place you access the service as defined by the sparql protocol).

The one issue the comment raises that needs addressing is the terminology difference between the SD and Fed documents. The SD document refers to a "service URL" while the fed document (in discussing what goes inside the <> of a SERVICE pattern) refers to a "service name". I notice that the current Protocol draft defines a "SPARQL endpoint" as "The URI at which a SPARQL Protocol service listens for requests from SPARQL Protocol clients." Maybe the SD (and fed) document should s/service URL/service URI/?



Received on Friday, 1 April 2011 17:39:13 UTC